Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trip 3 to One of Our Favorite Haunted Sites

Ghost Girls once again made a visit to the Dallas area in June 2009.
The house was very warm and there was a huge storm brewing outside. They say that storms will provide energy for spirits to help them manifest. As we set up the storm blew in. The wind literally howled and rain pounded the 150 year old house.
We were sure that this would be a night to remember! Alas, we had absolutely no personal experiences and did not catch any evps or video!
Only goes to show, activity will occur when the time/conditions are right for the spirits. We don't know yet what those conditions are. That's why we are always trying out new equipment, new ideas and new methods even when they may seem a little bizarre.


In a Haunted House near Dallas

Our next visit to the house North of Dallas was in March of 2008.
The house was chilly, there is no heat or ac in most of the house. We started our investigation in the upstairs bedroom.This room has been the center of attention from paranormal groups for several years. Photos of a little girl have been taken on two occasions that we know of. She appears to be wearing a long dress.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened while we were in the room but as usual once we reviewed our audio from the investigation, we heard what seems to be a mans voice. I'll post the audio and let you listen and decide what you think it says.
After doing our evp sessions, emf sweeps and attempted to communicate using our K2 meter, we headed back down stairs.
Since we had gotten such good results with the dowsing rods on our first trip, we decided to try and contact any willing spirits during a short dowsing rod session. I seemed to be getting results. The rods were answering 'yes' and 'no'. I talked with the same little boy I had contacted on my first visit for a few minutes but then he suddenly stopped answering.
On this visit we had two additional investigators with us from another group. They had never used dowsing rods before to focus energy and wanted to try. The first investigator to try began asking questions but the dowsing rods were not responding. They would not even wiggle. I thought she was holding them too tight, so I checked her grip but she was not gripping them wrong. I have never seen the rods not move at all, they will usually just naturally wiggle slightly or move around just a little while they are held.
The investigator began to get bored and started saying that there was nothing going on. There were no spirits there. The dowsing rods did not contradict her in any way. Soon afterward we gave up on the session. There didn't seem to be any communication but when we reviewed the audio, we found once again we had been wrong. not only does what seems to be a female voice repeat what the investigator says; it almost seems to say it in a mocking tone. A few seconds later on the audio, you hear a female voice say the names Lee and then Isaac. The names didn't have any significance at the time I heard them but during a search of the town history, I found that there was an Isaac Lee who could have been connected with the property.

Stay tuned! There's more to come on this extremely active house.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The Ghost Girls will be featured on the
Haunted Hunters Radio Show!
Make sure you tune in
AT 10PM!!!

Click HERE for show

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Announcing the 2011 Central Texas Paranormal Conference!

We are very excited to announce the 2011 CTParaCon! Go to for more details and to purchase your tickets!

- The Ghost Girls

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Private Residence - Central Iowa Investigation & EVP

We investigated this private location in central Iowa in May of 2009. The location had many paranormal claims and a murderous history. Without giving the location away, I will say that children had been murdered in the home several years prior to 2009.

Our investigation started at the nearby town museum. The owner of the location did a great job giving us a feel for the history of the town as well as the facts of the murders. The town had mixed reviews on paranormal investigators being present, but some were very welcoming and gave us their opinion of the location.

On the first night of our investigation we were sitting in the front room of the lower level and were using the ghost box to attempt communication. It was difficult to make out any voices, but several people in the room experienced a phantom smell. We were trying to communicate with the mother of the children and shortly after we asked about baking, we got a strong smell of apple pie. It was so fragrant that we looked for an apple candle or air freshener in the room, but found none. Not much else happened that evening.

The next day, we were not 'officially' investigating, but sitting upstairs in the children's room. We were asking the children to open the small closet door, but nothing was happening. Then, one of the investigators, got a cell phone call from her 5-year-old daughter. She put the phone on speaker and was asking her daughter about her day, what she ate, if she missed her, etc.

After she hung up, the closet door opened slightly. It all caught us off guard. We attempted to further communicate with the children, but did not get any other responses. We thought that the conversation with another child may have peaked their interest.

Later that evening, during the investigation, we were again in the children's room. We were trying to get one of the children to play with a red ball that was in the room. We had tape on the floor around the ball and were asking if they would roll the ball across the floor for us. We caught this evp. It sounds like a child's response, but we are unable to make out what is said.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our First Investigation together

Earlier this year we made the trip from Austin, north to a little town near the Oklahoma border. There is a house that we have investigated 4 times in the past 2.5 years. On 3 of those 4 trips we have had personal experiences and collected a number of interesting EVP's.

This blog covers the first of our trips to this location in October, 2008.

We arrived at the house around 8pm. It was my first meetup group event and I was excited to get to investigate with new people. It was there that Steph, Cathie and I met and investigated together for the first time.

Over a period of about 4 hours, we moved from room to room trying to make contact with any spirits that may be there. At one point we were sitting in the parlor area conducting a dowsing rod session. It appeared we were communicating with the spirit of a little boy who had lived in the house with his mother. I was talking with the boy, asking him to tease my new friends Steph & Cathie. They were sitting on the sofa side by side. As I encouraged him to tickle them or pull their hair to play a joke on them; we suddenly heard the sound of metal hitting the wood floor between us. We all sat still for a few seconds not knowing what had just happened or what we had heard. Suddenly, Cathie saw her ring on the floor below the coffee table. She had been sitting back on the sofa with her hands flat on the soda. It was not a loose-fitting ring, how had her ring flown off & hit the floor? Perhaps only one little boy knows the real answer.

We picked up this EVP shortly after the ring incident.

- Jackie

Saturday, July 17, 2010

EVP - Private Residence 'Closet Door'

We investigated a private residence in Central Texas in April, 2010. We were walking through a room that was being renovated into a kitchen. We were standing next to what would be the pantry door when we caught this evp. We found out later that the room used to be a bedroom.

Hope you enjoy.

- The Ghost Girls

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Stanley Hotel Investigation & Conference

For those of you who don't know, The Stanley Hotel is situated in the Colorado Rockies at about 12,000 ft in elevation and was the inspiration for Stephen Kings 'The Shining'.

Our fearless group headed out to Colorado to meet with members of the TAPS group, along with about 200 more of their most devoted fans, to see what we could 'scare up' at The Stanley.

First on our agenda was the concert hall. It's said that the spirit of a woman named Lucy resides in the basement and she doesn't seem to be too keen on visitors. Undaunted; Steph, Cathie and I along with Amy Bruni, Mike Brody, Adam Blai and Dave (our tech guy and cameraman) began an Ovilus session. We wanted to see if anyone would want to talk to us. The a Ovilus chatted along for quite a while but in the end we had no solid evidence from the session.

Next, we headed to room 1302 in the Manor House. There we met with Kris Williams. Our group attempted to reach out to any spirits that might be with us, trying to get communication going. (If you are a fan of TAPS, you will remember room 1302 as the room in which Grant is sitting at a table when suddenly it lifts up from the floor and drops back down with a bang).

In room 1302 we experienced one of our flash lights being turned on & then off again. A woman sitting in our group had her laser grid come on even though she said she was not touching or holding it.

The remainder of our investigation was spent in the main hotel. There we went into rooms 217, 418, 401 and the employee tunnel. Nothing of note happened in any of these areas but it was fun and an interesting experience.

We did not take photos during the investigation. Here are a couple photos from the remainder of our Colorado trip.
Waiting in line for the charity auction dinner with the TAPS team.

The Ghost Girls (and honorary Ghost Guy) in the Rocky Mountain National Park. It was windy and cold!

- The Ghost Girls

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Picture Time - What do you see in the mirror?

We took this photo at one of our favorite places to investigate in Liberty, TX. We took several pictures of this mirror in a hallway, and this was the only one that appeared this way.

Paranormal? Or just bad window washing? Tell us what you think it is, post your comment below.

- The Ghost Girls

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

EVP's - Private Residence

Welcome to the Ghost Girls Blog!

In this blog we will share evidence from our investigations, stories about our experiences, technology and equipment analysis, interviews from people in the field and much more.

We thought we would kick off this blog with three EVP's that we caught in a private residence in Central Texas. [The name and city have been protected for privacy purposes].

We investigated this private residence in April, 2010.

We hope you have enjoyed this post, more to come!

- The Ghost Girls