Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trip 3 to One of Our Favorite Haunted Sites

Ghost Girls once again made a visit to the Dallas area in June 2009.
The house was very warm and there was a huge storm brewing outside. They say that storms will provide energy for spirits to help them manifest. As we set up the storm blew in. The wind literally howled and rain pounded the 150 year old house.
We were sure that this would be a night to remember! Alas, we had absolutely no personal experiences and did not catch any evps or video!
Only goes to show, activity will occur when the time/conditions are right for the spirits. We don't know yet what those conditions are. That's why we are always trying out new equipment, new ideas and new methods even when they may seem a little bizarre.


In a Haunted House near Dallas

Our next visit to the house North of Dallas was in March of 2008.
The house was chilly, there is no heat or ac in most of the house. We started our investigation in the upstairs bedroom.This room has been the center of attention from paranormal groups for several years. Photos of a little girl have been taken on two occasions that we know of. She appears to be wearing a long dress.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened while we were in the room but as usual once we reviewed our audio from the investigation, we heard what seems to be a mans voice. I'll post the audio and let you listen and decide what you think it says.
After doing our evp sessions, emf sweeps and attempted to communicate using our K2 meter, we headed back down stairs.
Since we had gotten such good results with the dowsing rods on our first trip, we decided to try and contact any willing spirits during a short dowsing rod session. I seemed to be getting results. The rods were answering 'yes' and 'no'. I talked with the same little boy I had contacted on my first visit for a few minutes but then he suddenly stopped answering.
On this visit we had two additional investigators with us from another group. They had never used dowsing rods before to focus energy and wanted to try. The first investigator to try began asking questions but the dowsing rods were not responding. They would not even wiggle. I thought she was holding them too tight, so I checked her grip but she was not gripping them wrong. I have never seen the rods not move at all, they will usually just naturally wiggle slightly or move around just a little while they are held.
The investigator began to get bored and started saying that there was nothing going on. There were no spirits there. The dowsing rods did not contradict her in any way. Soon afterward we gave up on the session. There didn't seem to be any communication but when we reviewed the audio, we found once again we had been wrong. not only does what seems to be a female voice repeat what the investigator says; it almost seems to say it in a mocking tone. A few seconds later on the audio, you hear a female voice say the names Lee and then Isaac. The names didn't have any significance at the time I heard them but during a search of the town history, I found that there was an Isaac Lee who could have been connected with the property.

Stay tuned! There's more to come on this extremely active house.
